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Other labels 21

  • 1. Classification
    LEXIS Platform
    add description, typelable of issues, criteria for testing, responsible person..
  • 2. Ready for development
    LEXIS Platform
    classification was complete, solt to assignee
  • 3.1 In Progress
    LEXIS Platform
    assignee has working on issue
  • 3.2 Blocked
    LEXIS Platform
    develop was stoped, assignee has some problem/consulting with others member of the team/...
  • develop was done, waiting to deploy to develop instance
  • 4.2 Deployed on DEVEL
    LEXIS Platform
    deployed on devel instance
  • 4.3 Testing on DEVEL
    LEXIS Platform
    testing in progress on develop instance
  • develop and testing on develop instance was done and ok, waiting to deploy to TESTing instance
  • 5.2 Deployed on TEST
    LEXIS Platform
    deployed on TESTing instance
  • 5.3 Testing on TEST
    LEXIS Platform
    testing in progress on TESTing instance
  • testing on TESTing instance was done and ok, waiting to deploy to production instance
  • 6.2 Add News/Docs
    LEXIS Platform
    writing news or update documentation/help for users (only for Feature or Backlog)
  • 7. Done
    LEXIS Platform
    closed issue, deploied on production
  • Backlog
    LEXIS Platform
    type of issues - new development, new functionality
  • Bug
    LEXIS Platform
    type of issues - error/bug
  • Feature
    LEXIS Platform
    type of issues - new long-term development
  • GUI
    LEXIS Platform
  • Research
    LEXIS Platform
    type of issues - intended for non-developmental issues, research, methodology, design