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Custom Job Script

Jan Swiatkowski requested to merge feat-api-yaml-workflows into main


  • New feature - Creation of worfklows accepting dataset with custom job script, which will be executed by general command template
  • Added endpoints:
    • /custom-job-scripts/v1/create-custom-job-script-application
    • /custom-job-scripts/v1/update-custom-job-script-params
  • New feature - Creation of worfklows from TOSCA yamls
  • Added endpoints
    • /tosca-yaml-workflows/v1/create-tosca-yaml-workflow
    • /tosca-yaml-workflows/v1/update-tosca-yaml-workflow
    • /tosca-yaml-workflows/v1/get-tosca-yaml-workflow/{project_short_name}/{wf_id}
  • Fixed issue with generating wrong parameters, when no input or output set
  • All user has access to tag _customScriptHPCjobv1, _TOSCAyamlv1

Merge request reports